Making a will is something many of us have on our ‘to do’ list, but somehow can’t get round to. But wouldn’t it be good to have the peace of mind of knowing exactly how your hard earned money, property and possessions will be dealt with after your death?
If you die without making a will it can be complicated for your loved ones. For example, If you have no living next of kin, the Crown receives all, and partners/unmarried couples, step-children, nieces and nephews are not included in the distribution and under the rules of law that govern how your estate is distributed.
ABS Solicitors can advise you according to your circumstances and prepare your will accordingly, we will ask all the right questions to ensure every aspect has been considered. We can also advise on tax planning and Trusts. We ensure we consider other long term factors such as what happens should one of your children later divorce or if any of your beneficiaries pre-decease you; whether to leave particular items, a set sum or a percentage of your estate to your beneficiaries and how. Of course, circumstances change over the years – you may need to update an existing will. We can help you to make a new will or prepare a codicil (for making simple changes), whether the original was made by us or by another firm of solicitors. We can also arrange a home visit subject to distance.
Mrs Behiye Becky Karaman – Practice Managing Partner